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From: UNNews <UNNews@un.org>
Date: 2 May 2013 19:00:00 -0400
To: news11@ny-mail-p-lb-028.ptc.un.org
GOVERNMENTSNew York, May 2 2013 7:00PMWrapping up a development
policy forum in Thailand, the head of the United Nations Economic and
Social Commission in Asia-Pacific (ESCAP) today called for greater
economic integration and cooperation in the region to counter the
growing threat posted by severe natural disasters and economic shocks.
"We have entered an era in which South-South Cooperation will play an
increasingly important role," Under-Secretary-General and ESCAP
Executive Secretary Noeleen Heyzer
the closing ceremony at a three-day development policy forum in
"While regional economic integration is already an important trend, it
is time for us to unlock the real potential of inter-regional
cooperation," she urged more than 300 participants representing 45
During the development forum, participants adopted a record 17
resolutions aiming to balance the economic, social and environmental
dimensions of regional well-being, ESCAP noted in its news release.
"Disaster risk management and better preparedness are key development
imperatives," Ms. Heyzer said summarizing some of the key messages
from the forum. "People at every level must be empowered partners in
change; political, technical and financial resources must be mobilized
before shocks hit; apathy is our biggest risk; and early warnings and
early actions save lives and livelihoods."
Highlighting the need to build more resilient economic and
communities, and form greater partnerships between regions and
countries in the Southern hemisphere, the ESCAP Executive Secretary
said the region is part of the next great transformation: "The true
opportunity of rising Asia-Pacific is to change the idea of progress –
to prove that people and planet prosper best together."
The intergovernmental meeting on the increasingly severe natural
disaster and economic shocks was the first ESCAP Session since the
landmark UN Conference on Sustainable Development (Rio+20) held in
Brazil in June 2012.
Ms. Heyzer said the world body's annual regional assembly this year
offered "the opportunity to grow better, to close development gaps, to
build resilience, to end hunger, and to ensure the inclusive and
sustainable future we want."
In yesterday's session, Ms. Heyzer stressed that policymakers must
balance short-term stability with long-term development. "In the midst
of a crisis or disaster, we can ill-afford to mechanically apply the
conventional norms of macroeconomic stabilization. We need an
Asia-Pacific regional framework for resilience."May 2 2013 7:00PM
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