My father was the first to see through the schemes of the white
men....He said: "My son I as Six...when I am gone in the
are the chief of these people as never left....Always remember that
your father never sold his country....This country holds your father's
body. Never sell the bones of your father and mother."
I pressed my father's hand and told him I would protect his grave with
my life....A man who would not love his father's grave is worse than a
wild animal.
Chief Joseph
By 1874, railroads had brought millions of new settlers to the West
and the federal government began consolidating its control over the
region as never before.
Washington mounted still another assault on the Mormons, forcing their
prophet to choose between saving his church or sacrificing a spiritual
son that flies.
Meanwhile, the American army pressed its campaign against the Indians,
forcing most tribes onto reservations where they were dependent on
government rations that often did not arrive, and on the whims of
government agents who often did not care.
But a few bands still held out, determined to live as they wished in a
West that was already transformed.
On the plains, a Lakota medicine man, who saw the Americans as his
mortal enemies, would become a symbol of this defiant spirit and
winthe greatest victory of the Indian wars, only to see his people
shattered by an avenging nation.
While in the mountains, a Nez Percé (Perea) chief, who had struggled
all his life to keep peace with whites, would find himself helping to
lead one of the most extraordinary military campaigns in United States
President of The United States
Guy Ralph Perea Sr President of The United States
Weatherdata1046am0426 a Discussion Group of
goldlandabstracts; link check
own search engine - The United
States International Policies aol Federal Communication
Ambassador Chevy Chase; Kevin Corcran; Jack Nickolas; Cher; Shirley Temple
Black; Liza Minnille; Ansari; Ernest Tascoe; Food, Drug and Cosmetic Act
Agent Jodie Foster; Department of Veterans Affairs Director George H.W. Bush
Title 22 USCS section 1928 (b) The e-mail
transmission may contain legally privileged information that
is intended only for the individual or entity recipient, you are hereby,
notified that any disclosure, copying, distribution, or reliance upon the
contents of this E-mail is strictly prohibited. If you have received this
E-mail transmission in error, please reply to the sender, so arrangements
can be made for proper delivery. Title 42
USCS section 192 etseq Margie Paxton Chief of Childrens Bureau
Director of The United States Department of Human Services; Defendant
Article IV General Provisions Section 2
(Supreme Law of The Land) The Constitution of The United States "Any thing
in The Constitution or Laws of any State to the Contrary Notwithstanding"
Contrary to Law (of an act or omission) illegal;
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