Iceberg A63 A23A A61 A57 A56 B09D B16 B17A B15Y B15K B15R B15X B15B
B09C B09G B09F B09BB30 B22A B29 B28 B15T C21B C24 C15 C16 C28A C28B
C18B D20 D15 D14
Size NM (Length x Width) 11X3 44X36 13X4 19X5 14X7 23X5 19X13 19X6
13X2 16X3 10X2 10X7 19X3 12X3 16X13 25X9 30X9 32X17 44X24 11X4 10X7
38X11 13x9 11x2 14X9 24X7 26X18 26X19 16X10 28X11 55X29 13X8
Latitude 76.35S 75.96S 72.21S 77.59S 77.05S 65.49S 65.05S 70.37S
70.24S 70.28S 72.21S 73.37S 56.29S 65.39S 66.04S 64.87S 66.39S 71.92S
74.11S 74.65S 74.80S 65.85S 64.97S 64.84S 67.25S 64.55S 54.40S 64.09S
65.50S 69.16S 66.76S 69.41S
Longitude 44.89W 40.90W 16.01W 48.61W 50.16W 84.58E 99.74E 47.01W
59.27W 59.54W 23.23W 35.59W 15.66W 56.16E 108.23E 104.7E 142.44E
114.98W 108.86W 109.09W 109.03W 57.15E 95.92E 96.03E 146.15E 29.77W
82.19E 97.40E 113.97E 36.39E 81.87E 74.99E
Remarks belle belle (grounded) weddw (fasted) belle (fasted) belle
(fasted) amere wilkw belle belle belle weddw belle weddw amerw wilkw
wilkw wilke amudw amude (fasted) amude (fasted) amude (fasted) amerw
(grounded) wilkw (fasted) wilkw (fasted) wilke (fasted) weddw amere
wilkw wilkw (fasted) amerw (fasted) amere (fasted) amere (fasted)
Last Update (wk-Sunday) 5/26/2013 5/26/2013 5/26/2013 5/26/2013
5/26/2013 5/26/2013 5/26/2013 5/26/2013 5/26/2013 5/26/2013 5/26/2013
5/26/2013 5/26/2013 5/26/2013 5/26/2013 5/26/2013 5/26/2013 5/26/2013
5/26/2013 5/26/2013 5/26/2013 5/26/2013 5/26/2013 5/26/2013 5/26/2013
5/26/2013 5/26/2013 5/26/2013 5/26/2013 5/26/2013 5/26/2013 5/26/2013
President of The United States
Guy Ralph Perea Sr President of The United States
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own search engine - The United
States International Policies aol Federal Communication
Ambassador Chevy Chase; Kevin Corcran; Jack Nickolas; Cher; Shirley Temple
Black; Liza Minnille; Ansari; Ernest Tascoe; Food, Drug and Cosmetic Act
Agent Jodie Foster; Department of Veterans Affairs Director George H.W. Bush
Title 22 USCS section 1928 (b) The e-mail
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